Activating 1001: Academic Words for IELTS

Activating 1001: Academic Words for IELTS.  Best IELTS Preparation Materials and Practice Book for Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Get IELTS Materials , Tips, Tricks. Practice more and boost your score.


Activating 1001: Academic Words for IELTS Book with Audio CD


Activating 1001: Academic Words for IELTS

Informs you how to analyze vocabulary for use
Presents a sentence with word and a context they are easily understood
Offers a half sentence to be completed that tests your understanding of meaning and use
Invites you to construct your own sentence from your own ideas or imagined context
Activates your memory and ability to use the language through paraphrasing; that is, giving you sentences to write using the words
Gives you a chance to think through the language by answering a word puzzle by yourself or in conversation with others
Provides the opportunity to improve your knowledge and expertise through spelling, pronunciation, revision and extension exercises.

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