Cambridge IELTS 12, Test 7, Reading Passage 2: The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography, Solution With Answer Key

The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography Passage Solution with Answer Key – Cambridge IELTS 12, Test 7: Reading Passage 2. Here we will discuss detailed explanation of all the questions of the passage. Here is step by step Solution with Tips and Strategies. This post is for educational purpose only. If you find difficulties in reading passage to find the right answer in the exam, just read the post carefully. Tips and strategies will help you find the right answer.


The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography

IELTS Reading Passage Solution


IELTS Cambridge 12, Test 7 or Test 3, Academic Reading Module, Reading Passage 2


PASSAGE 2: The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography (View Full Passage Here)

Questions 14-19: (Identifying Information)

** Tips (link details): How To Solve Information Matching or Locating Paragraph In IELTS Reading Module?


General IDEA: This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … .. ) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. For this passage, first, answer question 20- 26. After finishing with these questions, come to question 14-19. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you nd the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t nd answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph.

Question 14: an acceptance that not all diseases can be totally eliminated
Keywords: not all diseases, totally eliminated
Now, the information is found in paragraph D. Here, in lines 2 and 3, the writer says, “ … .. . diseases like polio are re-emerging, …..”. Re-emerging means coming back or not totally eliminated.
Answer: D


Question 15: examples of physical conditions caused by human behaviour
Keywords: physical condition, caused by, human behaviour
Now, the information is found in paragraph C. It is because, skimming the paragraph, we can gather information about various physical conditions such as asthma, lung problems, eyesight issues and more. We also nd different human behaviours like the massive number of cars being driven, rapid industrialization, cutting down of forests etc.
Answer:  C

Question 16: a reference to classifying diseases on the basis of how far they extend geographically
Keywords: classifying diseases, how far they extend geographically
Now, in paragraph F. We can nd information like categorizing illnesses, diseases and epidemics in line 3 which is a match with classifying diseases. Also, line 4 says, “Health geographers can map the spread if illnesses….” means that they are mapping diseases on the basis of their extension geographically.
Answer: F

Question 17: reasons why the level of access to healthcare can vary within a country
Keywords: reasons, access to healthcare, vary within a country
Now, in paragraph G because there is a mention of healthcare provision and availability (or lack thereof) of healthcare resources to individuals and populations in line 1 and 2 which means access to healthcare. The next few lines show how healthcare can vary in
different regions of a country with an example in lines 7, 8 and 9 (for instance, it may be very difficult…….. … . .and the nearest hospital.)
Answer: G

Question 18: a description of health geography as a mixture of different academic elds

Keyword: health geography, mixture of different academic elds
Now, in paragraph D because lines 4-7 say, “Health geography is the combination of (mixture of), on the on hand, knowledge regarding geography and methods used to analyse and interpret geographical information, and on the other, the study of health, diseases and
healthcare practices around the world.”
Answer: D

Question 19: a description of the type of area where a particular illness is rare
Keywords: type of area, particular illness is rare
Now, in paragraph B. It is because, in lines 6 and 7, it says, “Malaria is much less of a problem in high-altitude deserts, for
instance.” This means malaria is rare in particular areas.
Answer: B




Questions 20-26: (Completing sentences with ONE WORD ONLY)

** Tips (link details): How to Solve Sentence Completion Questions in IELTS Reading Module?

General Idea: In this type of question, candidates are asked to write only one word to complete the sentence. For this type of question, first, skim the passage to find the keywords in the paragraph concerned with the answer, and then scan to find the exact word.

Question 20: Certain diseases have disappeared thanks to better ________ and healthcare.
Keywords: Certain diseases, disappeared, thanks to,
Now, in paragraph A, lines 1 and 2, it says, “While many diseases that affect humans have been eradicated (have disappeared) due to (thanks to) improvements in vaccinations and the availability of healthcare, …………”

This means that the improvements in vaccinations and availability of healthcare are responsible for the disappearance of certain diseases.
But, our answer has to be in one word only. So, we choose vaccinations as the answer. It is because we cannot choose words like improvements or availability because they are adjectives. We have to give priority to nouns over adjectives. We cannot choose healthcare as
the answer because we know that vaccinations are directly related to the eradication of major diseases.
Answer: vaccinations

Question 21: Because there is more contact between people, __________ are losing their usefulness.
Keywords: because, more contact, losing, usefulness
Now, we find phrases like people come into contact (more contact between people) and becoming more and more common (losing their usefulness) line paragraph A lines 3 and 6. So, the answer will be antibiotics. It is because the lines mean that when more people are coming in contact with each other more and more, antibiotics are becoming a common thing which means antibiotics are no longer as useful as it used to be before.
Answer: antibiotics

Question 22: Disease-causing ________ are most likely to be found in hot, damp regions.
Keywords: disease-causing, most likely, found, hot, damp regions
Now, we find reference of disease-causing and hot, damp regions in paragraph B lines 3-5 (“…. Is malaria-prone areas, which are usually tropical regions that foster a warm and damp environment in which the mosquitos that can give people this disease can grow.)
Answer: mosquitos

Question 23: One cause of pollution is __________ that burn a particular fuel.
Keywords: cause, pollution, burn a particular fuel,
Now, we know that there are some common fuels like wood, gas, coal, petrol, octane, diesel, etc. So, we need to find a word like these fuels. In paragraph C, line 6, we can find a word coal (“… … in addition to factories that run on coal power.”). So, we can gather from this line that factories burn coal.

Answer: factories

Question 24: The growth of cities often has an impact on nearby __________.
Keywords: growth of cities, an impact,
Now, the line 7 and 8 in paragraph C, we find phrases like expansion of big cities (matching with growth of cities) which indicate in the lines that it is responsible for cutting down of forests. So, we can realize that cutting down of forests is the impact which is caused by the growth of cities.
Answer: forests

Question 25: _______is one disease that is growing after having been eradicated.
Keywords: disease, growing, after, eradicated
Now, in Paragraph D line 2 and 3, we find an information of re-emerging or coming back of a disease named polio. Here, the line says, “… . .a world where diseases like polio are re-emerging,…..”. The word re-emerge matches with growing after having been eradicated.
Answer: polio

Question 26: A physical barrier such as a _________ can prevent people from reaching a hospital.
Keywords: physical barrier, prevent people, reaching a hospital
Now, in paragraph G. Here, in lines 7-9, we find the mention of a physical barrier which makes it difficult for people to get medical attention. The lines say, “….. .. .(for instance, it may be difficult for people to get medical attention because there is a mountain between their village and the nearest hospital).”
Answer: mountain

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Answer Key – The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography

Cambridge IELTS 12 Test 7 Answer Key, Reading Passage 2


The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography Reading Passage Answers Keys

Passage 2

14. D

15. C

16. F

17. G

18. D

19. B

20. vaccinations

21. antibiotics

22. mosquito(e)s

23. factories

24. forests

25. Polio

26. mountain



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