Confusing Word List for IELTS Listening – Avoid Misspelling
Confusing Words and Word List PDF Free Download. To do well in IELTS listening you have to avoid misspelling and plurals. There are hundreds of words which may befuddle during IELTS listening exam. Here is a list of few words that you must know before taking IELTS. It will boost your IELTS Listening Score. You can practice them here or there is a download link for IELTS Confusing Word List at the bottom of the page. Download Confusing Word List Below.
Confusing Word List for IELTS Listening
Backstage Bathroom Bio-Physical Bookshop/Bookstore Car-park Cloakroom Computer-based material Computer-generation Dining room end-of-year exam Eye-opener Feedback first Class Four-wheel drive Fresh water Fully-licensed Goodbye Handouts Highlights Home-grown Keep-fit studio leg-room livestock Midday Money-lenders One-to-one basis Outline Outside Overlook Postcode Present-day Germany Rainwater Reopening Self-study Semi-rural Shallow-rooted Somewhere Supermarket Timetable Water level Wavelength Wildlife |
Bushwalk Checklist Classroom Computer Centre Cooperating Cost-effective Coursework Database Deadline Downstairs English-Speaking World Ever-present Face-To-Face Fiberglass Footbridge Grandparents Householder landlords Low-risk Main Hall minibus Nursing Care Opera house Overdue Parkland Riverside Sandstone Short report Skin-covered Sub-species Table Tennis Tea room Team Leaders Textbook Time-scale T-shirts Undersea Viewpoint Well-equipped Workshop |
Built-up Classroom Clubhouse Coffee Break Coffee Maker Countryside Craftsmen deadline Dining Room Drop-off Engine Room Farewell Firewood Fortnight Forty-five Gentlemen Guidebook Landscape Local Papers Mass Media Medium-sized Minibus Neighbourhood Newsletter Note-taking Notice-board Online Paperclips Photocopy Riverside Sandpaper Showroom Shut down Sightseeing small-scale Soil Conditioner Stock Market Three-day Weekend Welcome Work-force Workshop |
Additional Confusing Words For IELTS Listening
Black street Cashcard Cashpoint Checkouts Chequebook Co-ordination Easy-going Farm-size Fire door Forward-looking Ground Floor Headband Homesick Hotspots Ice-skating Inland Lifesaving Long-suffering Low-lying Meal times Midnight Milestones Mini-lecture Motorway Old-fashioned Overdraft Park Road Rainforest re-planning Stairway State-of-the-art Sundown Sunshine Wheelchair Windscreen Workforce
Bedroom Brother-in-law Child care Child-friendly City Centre Day time Deadlines Door-to-door Field work Footprints High-quality Highway Homesick Housewives Keyboard Keyholes Land mass Low-cost Outdoors Overlap Part-time job Post Office Proof Read Short-sighted Showcase South-west Sports People Teamwork Thank-you Present Three-star hotel Underneath Underside Under-used Whereabouts Workplace
Briefcase Car Park cent Countryside Eco-hotel Five-week course Foothills Fortnight Half-price High-rise Homestay Man-made Newtown Non –smoking Overhead Post-graduate Rock ground Roundabouts Rucksack Seafood So-called Store house Ten-day holiday Thirty-five per Train Lines Twelfth-Century Undergraduate Underwater Waterfall Weekdays well-being Yachtsmen Rainfall
Keep your eyes in this wordlist. Read them carefully. Here is only few words. So it will not take much time to read it. At least you should read it 3/5 times. Definitely your score will boost one or more then before. Enjoy Confusing Word List For IELTS Listening.
Download Confusing Word List
please inform me how we can get overall 6 band in ielts
good point to focus on!