IELTS Advantage Writing Skills – Richard Brown

IELTS Advantage Writing Skills – A step by step guide to a high IELTS Writing Score by Richard Brown.  Best IELTS Preparation Materials and Practice Book for Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Get IELTS Materials , Tips, Tricks. Practice more and boost your score.




IELTS Advantage Writing Skills – Richard Brown

IELTS Advantage: Speaking & Listening Skills is a comprehensive resource for achieving 6.5 or higher in the Speaking and Listening modules of the IELTS exam.

Students are guided step-by-step through the different stages of the speaking and listening modules, using lively material covering a wide range of the topics that are likely to occur in the exam. The step-by-step approach guides students to success using features such as Try it first!, Spotlight on language, Exam skills, Prepare and practise and Pronunciation focus.

There are plentiful exam-practice opportunities, and students can compare model speaking tests with their own versions in order to acquire further useful ideas and strategies. IELTS Advantage: Speaking & Listening Skills: shows students how to give the well-structured, detailed replies that examiners are looking for in the speaking module; contains numerous audio examples of model speaking test performances on the accompanying CD; covers a wide range of the key grammar and vocabulary that students will need to give their best possible performance in the exam; advises on strategies for getting the best possible score on the day of the exam; explains the formats of the listening module, and how to answer them successfully; includes exam practice material covering all parts of the listening module; and includes audio exam practice material for the listening module.



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IELTS Preparation Materials


* * Task 2 Sample Answer

* * How to Solve Reading Passage?

* * Practice Reading Passage

* * IELTS Online Practice Test


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