IELTS Cue Card 101: Describe An Educational Visit That You Went On When You Were In School
IELTS Speaking Cue Card with Sample Answer. Describe An Educational Visit That You Went On When You Were In School. IELTS Speaking Part 2 With Model Answer. Also Sample answer for Part 3 discussion.
Describe An Educational Visit That You Went On When
You Were In School
You should say:
- who went with you
- where you went
- what you did there
and explain what you learned on this trip.
Model Answer:
Recently, a few friends and I were trying to decide on something interesting and unconventional to do. We came up with a list of ideas and started knocking them off one by one. We went hiking, ice skating, and to a few museums; but our expedition to the planetarium turned out to be my favorite and most memorable experience.
I Nowadays in Beijing with its dry air, city lights, and polluted skies, sometimes it is almost impossible to see the clear blue sky, much less the twinkle of the night stars. So for me this I was an amazing and unique experience. As you recline your seats back, you watch as the revolving dome above you comes to life. The narrator of the planetarium speaks smoothly through the peaceful, serene music and guides you through stories about the planets. I absolutely adored the show and will freely admit that I nearly jumped out of my seat during the “big bang” part.
The exhibitions are fun and educational regardless of your age or expertise. It is also worth to note how modern the makers address well-known subjects in a sleek, modern, and very engaging way. I learned about the many different constellations, and where they are , supposed to be visible from the earth. opened my mind to the many theories brought forth i about the creation of the Universe, and gained a wider perspective about the existence of ‘life. There is so much to be known about life outside our little world; my trip to the planetarium instilled in me a quest for knowledge. Not particularly in astrology, but in all things.
IELTS Speaking Part 3 Question and Sample Answer:
What are some suitable places for school students to go for an educational visit?
There are many suitable places for schools to take students for educational trips such as the zoo, aquarium, or the planetarium. Field trips provide students with a non-threatening, fun-learning experience. They can get first hand contact and real life experience from professionals in all different fields. For example, a trip to a history museum can teach children about their rich and illustrious culture in a way that appeals to all senses. Plus there are employees there that know all of the details about the artifacts that they are presenting.
What do you think are the benefits of taking children to visit places where they can learn something?
One benefit of taking field trips is to allow students a break in the daily routine, to provide many wonderful memories, and to explore their own education through a new set of eyes. They will be able to better recall what they’ve learned. Field trips provide great hands-on learning opportunities, as well as personal interaction with experts. Some children actually learn best when they are able to interact with their lesson plan and visually see how things work.
What role do you think the teacher should play on these school excursions ?
It takes a lot of work to organize a trip for an entire group, so a teacher should be mindful of how he or she coordinates it. The teacher should prepare lesson plans and a main goal or purpose for every trip. Permission forms should be made for parents and collected by the teacher. The teacher should also pay attention to deadlines and when up-front payment is required. A teacher is responsible for the kids, even if there are moms and dads in attendance.
What are some examples of places where parents could take their children for an “educational visit”?
There are a number of places for parents to take their children for educational trips. Museums are a typically place for people to learn interesting facts, but children can also learn so much from other places as well. A more unconventional place to take kids, especially for children who are raised in the city, would be a farm or an orchard. Children can learn about agriculture and the lives of the farmers that grow the food that we eat. They can also learn the process of how food products get from the rural areas to big cities.
Do you think children can study at home?
I believe children can study at home, if a parent makes a serious effort to keep the student interested and learning. There are some advantages to homeschooling. Parents have direct supervision on what the child is studying first hand, and you can make sure the child is learning at his or her pace. Parents can ensure overall safety of the child at all times. Parents can also get tutors to teach special skills to their child, such as foreign languages. Parents can make sure their child eats healthy and nutritious meals at home. One of the disadvantages maybe is that the child is missing interaction with kids his or her own age.
In the home. how do you think parents can help their children learn?
Most parents do not have the know-how or the specialism of certain subjects to teach their child at home; but if they do enough research and get the right materials, I think it can be successful. Plus, for certain subjects deemed to be difficult, they can get a tutor for their child so that they get special attention. Actually many children have benefited greatly from homeschooling, and have tested better than students in public schools. If the parent stays dedicated and keeps a good schedule, I believe it is definitely possible and maybe even better for the child.