IELTS Cue Card 111: Describe A Family Member You Admire

IELTS Speaking Cue Card with Sample Answer. Describe A Family Member You Admire. IELTS Speaking Part 2 With Model Answer. Also Sample answer for Part 3 discussion.

Describe A Family Member You Admire

You should say:

  • what the person’s name is
  • what the person’s personality is like
  • what hobbies he/she has

and explain why you admire him or her.

Model Answer:

Well, I admire my father. He is over 40 years old, and he’s the president of a computer company. My father is warm—hearted and he always tries his best to help others if they go to him with troubles. He started the company when l was in the middle school. and it was really hard time for both him and the family. At that time, he always went on business. and he couldn’t stay with the family on weekends. He made some money and he began to have time to be with me. Then something terrible happened. His partner ran away with the money. and the payees came to my father’s office every day. Everyone in the family was worried and scared, but my father kept calm. He asked those people how much the company owed them and gave them the deadline of paying them. My father worked harder and he sold his car and some antiques. but he paid off. His company is now one of the best ones in the city and he has won a reputation for himself. When I work, I also want to be one like him.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Question and Sample Answer:

Can you describe your family to me?

Well, there are five people in my family. my parents, my sisters and me.

Is it of a typical family structure?

It used to be popular 20 years ago. People wanted to have more kids in a family at that time.

What do you think of the change of family structure in the past years?

Well. in the past, the grandparents lived with their children and grandchildren. But at present. children will have their own family after they get married. They tend to move out and live by themselves. Women’s role in the family has changed.

What do you think of this?

Well, I think this is a symbol of the development of the society. In the past, women had no income and they had to depend on their husbands. but now women can do what they like. and they can support themselves. Women have more freedom and they have their status in the society.

What kind of influence does it have on the society?

Well. divorce rate is high. Women have more freedom, and their economic situation enables them to leave their husbands if they are not satisfied with the marriage.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of children living together for the family members?

If children live with their grandparents. they learn how to take care of the old when they are young. but the problem is that old people tend to spoil children. It’s hard for parents to discipline the children.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of children living with parents only?

If children only live with parents, they don’t know how to respect the old. and their relationship with the old is not close. but they have more freedom to eat what they like. and they don’t have to deal with the generation gap.

Do you think that all family members will live together or separately in future?

I guess in the future. family members will live together in China, as they can take care of each other. If they live separately, it takes them a long time to get to each other’s home.

Has the government done anything to support families?

The government has some programs which support poor families to meet the lowest living standard. The families can get money from the government at the beginning of every month. Besides, our government establishes some institutions to provide food and accommodation for old people without families.


*** More Cue Card Sample Answer

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