IELTS Cue Card 63: Why Do You Love Reading Books

IELTS Speaking Cue Card with Sample Answer. Why Do You Love Reading Books. IELTS Speaking Part 2 With Model Answer. Also Sample answer for Part 3 discussion.

Why Do You Love Reading Books

Model Answer:

I am a high school graduate but that was as far as I got. Since then, due to my love of reading, I have become self-educated and my husband said that my knowledge far outdid his college degree.

Books are learning tools. They not only teach you things, they take you to places you could never otherwise go. They open your imagination and you are free to view the characters in them any way you can conjure them up. On television or in a play, you pretty much view the characters as the writer scripted them.

Reading opens up a whole new world for anybody and is the basis for a good education. If one can’t read, one can’t learn. Reading also fosters imagination, writing skills, vocabulary growth, deeper understanding of life around you and better communicative skills. It is a quiet activity that can be a lot of fun, and you learn a lot from it.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Question and Sample Answer:

Do you like reading?

I don’t just like reading, I adore it. I’ve been an avid reader since I was old enough to hold a book in my hands.

What kinds of books do you usually read?

I used to be a big fan of science fiction books, especially ones that involved space or futuristic technology. These days I’m more into non-fiction books about current affairs or history.

I tend to like stuff that’s completely different from my life. I’ve lately been really into historical fiction and adventures.

I like to read things according to the mood I am in, sometimes it‘s all mushy stuff, other time history and autobiography.

How many hours a day would you say you spend on reading?

If you include the Internet, then I read for at least two hours a day. I get a lot more of my reading done online than I used to. If you just count books then maybe I only read for half an hour or so each day.

Where do you usually read?

The best place to read is at home in a comfortable chair, with a cup of tea or some other snack. It’s best to read when you can feel peaceful and at home. Cafes are also nice places to read because they have a convivial atmosphere.

Do you think children like reading nowadays?

I think that children do like reading and always have, but nowadays there are many other attractions competing for children’s attention, like TV and video games. The success of book series like Harry Potter proves that reading is alive and well amongst young people.

What sorts of books do children like to read?

You can‘t pigeonhole preferences based on age. Some children read books aimed at mature and sophisticated adults whilst a lot of adults like to read trashy romance novels of dubious literary merit.


*** More Cue Card Sample Answer

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