IELTS Cue Card 67: Does Anyone Know Of A Way To Start Liking Housework
IELTS Speaking Cue Card with Sample Answer. Does Anyone Know of a Way to Start Liking Housework. IELTS Speaking Part 2 With Model Answer. Also Sample answer for Part 3 discussion.
Model Answer:
I have one friend who actually likes housework. The only thing I can tell you is that she has a very easy temperament and she never hurries or strains. Also, she cleans fairly often, so her work never gets ahead of her. I really think the key is to not hurry and strain. It does not take that much more time and you do not make yourself upset.
The only way I know to start liking housework is to have cleaning solutions that smell good and to have clean equipment. your broom and dust pan always clean (long handled dust pan so you don’t need to lean over) and have one of those great new stainless steel mop pails that is only about 18″ in diameter and has a wringer for the mop. And the mop is one of those floppy ones which really cleans nicely. the mop pail is easy to handle and it is easy to change the water often so it is always fresh and it goes on : your vacuum should be a nice, new clean one you can handle easily. l think every home should have a cleaning closet with a little sink.
Invite someone over for dinner on your cleaning day. That way you have a reason to clean (to impress) and something to look forward to for yourself (friendship and good food). They’ll generally help clean up after dinner (do dishes together), and then you can kick your feet up and enjoy your clean house. From there, it’s just a matter of keeping your house tidy for the rest of the week and not making a chore that’s so unbearable. and every week you get to have dinner with a friend. A wonderful tradition you can keep for the rest of your life.
IELTS Speaking Part 3 Question and Sample Answer:
Do you usually do any housework?
I really hate doing housework so I try to do as little as I can get away with. Unfortunately, I live alone so I’m the only one around to do the housework, and it has to be done eventually. Thankfully, it doesn’t take too long.I do sometimes. It can be very relaxing, and it’s also a great way to stay in shape. There’s also the satisfaction of a job well done. I hate doing it. It’s just something I have to do. I don’t know of anyone who really likes it.
What housework do you least like doing?
Washing the dishes has always been a pet hate of mine. I don’t like putting my hands In the dirty water and wiping all the food off the plates. It’s disgusting.
Who usually does the housework in your home?
I‘m the only one around so it falls on my shoulders to do the housework. If I lived with housemates then I suppose we’d share it among ourselves.
When you were a child. did you ever do any housework?
My parents always told me to do the housework, but I was pretty lazy so I usually got away with not doing much. When I did have to do some I swept the floor and washed the dishes.
Do you think it‘s important for children to do some housework?
I think it teaches them responsibility and how to look after a home. If they didn’t do any as a child then they wouldn’t know what to do as an adult. Getting children to help out can also make it easier for parents to manage a household as they have an extra pair of hands around the place. It is important that each has a small job in the house so they learn how to work as a team and not to take everything for granted.
If a child helps do some of the family do you think this affects the child’s development?
I think it teaches them the importance of doing something for others and helping out so that everyone can benefit It also shows them that they can make a valuable contribution and help others even if they are still a child. I think they need to do a few small things around the house such as cleaning their room, washing, drying up. It will teach them responsibility and also prepare them for future life.