IELTS Cue Card 70: Health Benefits Of Gardening
IELTS Speaking Cue Card with Sample Answer. Health Benefits Of Gardening. IELTS Speaking Part 2 With Model Answer. Also Sample answer for Part 3 discussion.
Health Benefits Of Gardening
Model Answer:
Gardening contributes to physical health, since activities such as digging, planting, weeding, and harvesting are all part of three types of physical activity: endurance, flexibility, and strength.
Gardening requires you to use your head and your creativity. The time spent planning the garden and researching different plants is a great brain workout. Gardening gives us a chance to be creative. You can let your personality shine through in your garden.
The benefits of gardening are not all in the body; they’re also in the mind. Tending your garden is a real stress buster, helping relieve feelings of anxiety and providing a break from the general rush of life. Because the work involved is mainly physical, gardeners have a chance to think about their concerns, meditate, or just spend a few hours daydreaming. They can also feel a sense of accomplishment in a job well done.
IELTS Speaking Part 3 Question and Sample Answer:
Does your family have a garden?
No, I live in an apartment on the tenth floor in the city. We do have a few plants in our home, but I wish that I could have a garden so that I could enjoy fresh vegetables.
Do many people in China have their own gardens?
Not unless they live in the rural areas. Most people in the city live in apartments or in high-rise buildings where there is no room for a garden. A few well-off families, who can afford a villa, can have the luxury of having their own garden.
If someone has a private garden in China, Do they usually prefer to grow flowers or vegetables?
I think that we are more practical than sentimental, so I guess we would prefer to grow vegetables. China has long been an agricultural country. When I was young my parents used to plant cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes in their garden. I enjoyed eating fresh vegetables daily.
Have you ever grown anything?
Since I have moved out on my own I have tried to grow a few plants, but they always seem to die. I don‘t know what I do wrong. I give them water and I put them near the window, but for some reason they always die
Do Chinese people like growing flowers?
I don’t know about other Chinese people, but I enjoy it very much. It makes my apartment feel more colorful and alive. It makes the air inside feel a little fresher. It also gives my apartment a more homey feeling.
What benefits do people get from gardens?
I can eat fresh vegetables, and I know that they are organically grown without any chemicals. So I guess, if all of your vegetables are home grown, you will be a healthier person. It is also relaxing to be outside working in a garden of your own.
Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city?
Sure. For me, they are places for the community to come together, for families to walk in, and for children to play in. Green spaces help make people active. Beyond that, there is certainly an aesthetic value. There’s also the value in the plants creating clean oxygen for people to breathe.