IELTS CUE Card 72: Why Birthdays Are Important?

IELTS Speaking Cue Card with Sample Answer. Why Birthdays Are Important? IELTS Speaking Part 2 With Model Answer. Also Sample answer for Part 3 discussion.

Why Birthdays Are Important?

You Should Say:

  • Are you happy when it’s your birthday?
  • Why do we celebrate birthdays?
  • why is it so important to us?

Model Answer:

Birthdays are celebrated everyday and everywhere. From China to North America, birthdays are milestones that are celebrated in everyone‘s life. While the festivities are different, the events and reasons to celebrate them are the same across all cultures. A birthday carries many unspoken societal norms.

For example, in the US. when you turn 18, there is an expectation to start living on your own or go to college. In contrast, in Hispanic cultures 18th birthdays are not a big deal. If you are a Hispanic female at 15, you celebrate “Quinceanera”, and in the US. you have to wait one more year to celebrate your “Sweet Sixteen”.

Birthdays are the beginning and the end of personal rights and privileges. As you get older you gain the right to vote, to enlist in the military, to consume alcohol or to smoke. But as we continue to age, we start losing opportunities as well.

Birthdays are a public declaration of a new phase in your life. From childhood to adulthood, every time we reach one of the milestones, the expected behavior from that individual changes. With age comes new roles and norms. These changes include how to behave in public, how to dress, and how to talk. How many times have you heard someone say, “She is too old to wear that”?

Our birthdays are a validation of identity and existence. Directly or indirectly, we evaluate ourselves against our life plan. How many times have you said to yourself, “At this age I will be married” or “At this age I will be ready for retirement”? Birthdays make us think, “Who are we?” and “Where am I in my life?”

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Question and Sample Answer:

How do people in China celebrate birthdays?

Generally speaking, Chinese people like throwing a party to celebrate. Some people acknowledge their birthdays, but they don’t actually celebrate them.

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

I’d like to get some gifts and have cake and stuff. Or make a long trip to Europe with my girlfriend.

I usually just stay at home with the family and have cake. But this year I will go out to a club and dance with friends. I want to do something different.

I don’t particularly care about my birthday. However, being surprised by a loved one just to make me know just how much they care is nice. I usually treat it as any other day.

What did you do on your last birthday?

I remember I went out and got drunk with my friends, and I got showered with birthday gifts.

Are birthdays more important For children or for adults?

I think it’s important for children and older people. For middle aged guys I think it’s not that important because generally they are too busy with work or being a parent.

Do you like to celebrate your birthday with your family or your friends?

Well’it’s difficult to choose one answer. Honestly, I like to celebrate with friends because I can be myself and do crazy things.

*** More Cue Card Sample Answer

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