IELTS Cue Card 96: Describe A Useful Website That You Like To Visit

IELTS Speaking Cue Card with Sample Answer. Describe A Useful Website That You Like To Visit. IELTS Speaking Part 2 With Model Answer. Also Sample answer for Part 3 discussion.

Describe A Useful Website That You Like To Visit

You should say:

  • what the contents of the website are
  • how and when you first found this website
  • how often you go to this website

and explain why you think this website is useful.

Model Answer:

There are many sites on the web used for networking nowadays, but there is one that I particularly enjoy. The site is called, and that is exactly what it is — my space. It is a place where you can express yourself openly to your friends, your family. and the world. You have a main page, which is like your own website that you can design in any way you decide.

There is a link for messages that works just like an email site. You can upload pictures of yourself and your friends, and then you can categorize them into folders for all to see. Your friends can add comments and feedback about your pictures. There is a bulletin board where you and your friends can post important information. There are spaces for you to tell about yourself and your interests, such as your favorite movies and music.

I first heard about this site from a friend who sent me an email on my yahoo account asking me to join. It seemed a little difficult and tedious at first, so I did not make a space right away. But more and more of my friends began to join so I finally did too.

I use the site everyday. I check my messages. change and add songs on my profile, and really enjoy adding little haikus on the bulletin board. I keep in touch with all of my friends, get to know new people through my friends’ profiles, and find and rekindle relationships with friends lost. I learn of interesting events from my friends, and inform them of interesting events as they come up. It is a great networking tool.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Question and Sample Answer:

Is the internet used very much by people in China?

Yes, everyone nowadays uses the Internet. Many people have it connected in their homes, and there are 24-hour Internet cafes everywhere. I have seen people in Internet eafés at all hours of the night. Many coffee bars even have wireless Internet set up for their customers to freely use. Just about everyone has an email address and instant message by web-cam has become a huge fad. Then there are some people who are even addicted to Internet games like Warcraft or counterstrike.

Why do people use the Internet?

People use the internet for so many reasons. We keep in touch with friends or business contacts through email. Many people go to news sites to keep up with current events. The Internet is also used as entertainment. I like to look at videos and sports highlights. I also like to send instant messages to my friends. I can talk to my friends easily, and I’m able to talk to multiple people at once.

What are the benefits that people get from using the internet?

The Internet has enormous benefits. The Internet boosts communications through email, instant messaging, and information broadcasting websites. You can get news and reference from every major newspaper, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. There is limitless entertainment on the web including movies, music, videos, and upcoming events in your area. The Internet also provides endless commerce, shopping, travel bargains, and fast great advertisement for your company.

Today, different groups or different types of people in society all use the Internet?

Why do you think this is the case? So many people use the internet because they find it a reliable source for information, games, pictures, maps, videos, music—just about everything you can name is on the internet. Even though sometimes you can not find what you are looking for, it is on the Internet somewhere else. Search engines are the most reliable sources, because they help you find what you want by just typing in keywords. One of the most popular search engines is Google. It is probably the most used website in the world.

*** More Cue Card Sample Answer

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