IELTS Listening Test 6 – Section 4

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IELTS Listening Test 6 Section 4

Test Instruction: SECTION 4. QUESTIONS 31-40

Questions 3135

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or С.

31. The tomato originally came from

  1. Mexico.
  2. Spain.
  3. Peru.


32. The original color of the tomato was

  1. red.
  2. green.
  3. yellow.


33. The Aztec word for tomato means

  1. golden apple.
  2. plump thing.
  3. small fruit.


34. In the 1500s, people in Spain and Italy

  1. enjoyed eating tomatoes.
  2. used tomatoes as ornamental plants.
  3. made medicine from tomatoes.


35. In the 1600s, the British

  1. saw tomatoes as poisonous.
  2. published tomato recipes.
  3. ate tomato sauce daily.


Questions 36-40

Complete the timeline with information about the history оf the tomato in the United States.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


1806 – Tomatoes were mentioned as food in a (36) .

1809 – Thomas Jefferson (37) at his home in Virginia.

1820 – A man proved that tomatoes were not poisonous by eating them (38) .

1830s – (39) appeared in newspapers and magazines.

1930s – People began to eat (40) .




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