IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe A Teacher In The Past

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a teacher in the past. IELTS speaking topics with answers.  IELTS Speaking Video Lesson help you to  boost your score during IELTS speaking test. This is part 2 of the IELTS speaking test. Watch and  Practice with your friends.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Q. Describe A Teacher In The Past

In it you have to talk on a topic for 1-2 minutes
The topic here is a teacher you had in the past

* How is this candidate doing?
* Is their speech easy to understand?
* Are they sticking to the topic?
* How is the grammar and vocab?

** Would you give them a pass mark? Think why?



IELTS Speaking Part 2, Video Script

Describe a teacher in the past.

J: Now I want to give you a topic
and I’d like you to talk about it
for 1 or 2 minutes.
Before you talk you have 1 minute
to think about what
you’re going to say.
You can make some notes
if you wish. Do you understand?

P: Yes.

J: Here’s some paper and a pencil
for making notes.

P: Thank you.

J: I’d like you to describe a teacher
who has influenced you.

P: (making notes)

J: Al right?
Remember you have 1-2 minutes for this.
So, you don’t worry
if I stop you.
I’ll tell you when the time’s up.
Can you start speaking now please.

P: A teacher who has influenced me
a lot in my life …
I think the most important one
was when I was at High School.
I was about 15 or 16 years old,
and he was a history teacher.
His name was Mr. Citrene,
if I remember… and he was…
I think the reason he influenced me
the most is because
he was very very strict,
and very very strong,
very very … err … he made us
work very hard, and
he had a very special style I think.

He was at my High School
and his name was Mr. Citrene
and he was a very good teacher.
He’d been at the school
for a long time,
and he was quite old,
and his style … I think
I was talking about his style …
I want to talk about his style.
He was er…
He made us do a lot of work
and he did dictation,
which is he talked about
what happened in history
and all the students had to
write it down.
So, we copied every word
that he talked about.
We had to write it down.

A lot of the students hated him.
We all had a very difficult time
in his class ’cause it was hard work.
If you talked, he would shout at you.
Sometimes he would throw things at you,
but I think because he was so strict
we respected him a lot,
and he had a lot of authority
so we liked that.
And emm…em…
Is that enough?

J: OK.


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Reference:  :   IELTS Video Lesson

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