IELTS Speaking practice Use – ‘I’m’
IELTS Speaking Practice: use of ‘I’m’ on speaking.
“I’m” in Speaking Practice
- ‘I’m’ is an abbreviation for the word ‘I am’. It is used in combination with other words to tell someone about yourself or to describe something you are doing.
Here are some examples:I’m twenty years old. I’m thirsty. I’m from Seattle.
- You can also add descriptive words with ‘I’m’ such as:
I’m extremely tired.
I’m terribly hungry.
I’m super exited.
IELTS Speaking ‘I’m’ in/at/on
- Describe an action you are doing. Most commonly you would use the word ‘in’ when entering a physical location such a a room or a building.
Here are some examples:
I’m in the shower.
I’m in the lobby.
I’m in a car. - Using the word ‘at’ helps to tell someone where you currently are? The difference between ‘at’ and ‘in’ is that the physical location is general.
Here are some examples:
I’m at the grocery.
I’m at the doctor’s office.
I’m at the airport. - However in some cases you can use ‘at’ and ‘in’ interchangeably.
Here are some examples:
I’m at the mall. I’m in the mall’.
I’m at the park. I’m in the park. - Using the word ‘on’ is referring to a non-physical location such as your time being utilized by something else.
Here are some examples:
I’m on the phone.
I’m on my computer. - Again, I’m good at is used to informs someone what you excel at and are comfortable at doing.
Here are some examples:
I’m good at writing/reading/math/sports.
I’m good at video games.
ielts speaking – I’m + (verb+ing)
- ‘I’m’ is a contraction of the word ‘I am’. By adding a verb to ‘I’m’ this lets you express an action or occurrence about yourself.
Here are some examples:
I’m typing an email.
I’m texting.
I’m waiting for my friend.
ielts speaking-I’m getting
- combining the word ‘I’m’ and ‘getting’ you are telling someone that you are gaining possession, being affected by or have plans to seek out and obtain a particular thing.
I’m getting better / tired.
I’m getting good at reading.
I’m getting tooth ache.
ielts speaking-I’m trying + (to + verb)
- ‘I’m trying’ informs someone that you are attempting to accomplish something using bodily, mental or spiritual strength. By adding a verb to ‘I’m trying’ you are pointing out exactly what it is you are attempting to do.
Here are some examples:
I’m trying to get a job.
I’m trying to enjoy my dinner.
I’m trying new food.
ielts speaking-I’m gonna + (verb)
- The word gonna is incorrect grammatically. The equivalent in proper grammar would be ‘going to’. When using ‘gonna’ you are telling someone what you are planning to do at that moment or in the near future.
Here are some examples:I’m gonna ask her out for dinner.
I’m gonna read a book.
I’m gonna send out my resume.
I’m gonna help my friend.
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