IELTS Speaking Template – Answering Double Choice Question

How to answer ‘Double choice question in IELTS speaking sections? Just follow the simple structure and template as well few basic ideas which will help you to be fluent in IELTS and TOEFL Speaking. So answer IELTS Cue Card (Part 2) and IELTS speaking Part 1 & Part 3. Speaking Question and Model Answer.

Answering Double Choice Question

Question Type: Do you love watching movies at home or at cinema?

Answer: I love watching movies at cinema.

(Very basic answer, you will not get a good mark with this answer)



Basic Structure:  


Well I am now in two minds, but if I had to choose, given the choices, I would for ——— because ————.



Model Answer: For Double Choice Question

Q: Do you love watching movies at home or at cinema?

A: Well I am now in two minds, but if I had to choose, given the choices, I would for watching movies at cinema because it is interesting and exciting.

Q: Do you love to go for shopping alone or with your friends?

A: Well I am now in two minds, but if I had to choose, given the choices, I would for shopping with my friends because it is interesting and exciting.

Practice More: Double Choice Question

Q: Do you like to be a professional photographer or a painter?

A: Well I am now in two minds, but if I had to choose, given the choices, I would for ——— because ————.

Q: Do you like to change about your city or staying here?

A: Well I am now in two minds, but if I had to choose, given the choices, I would for ——— because ————.



Q: Do you like to be a singer or writer?

A: Well I am now in two minds, but if I had to choose, given the choices, I would for ——— because ————.


Practice as much as you can. It will help you to increase your Speaking Fluency. So follow this basic structure How to Answer ‘Would Question.’



*** Get More Speaking Template Here

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