IELTS Writing Task 2 – In the last century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon

In the last century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon he said: “It is a big step for mankind”. But some people think it makes little difference to our daily life.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

You should write at least 250 words.


IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample

Sample Answer 1:

In the last century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon he said: “It is a
big step for mankind”. But some people think it makes little difference to our daily
life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Almost every day we read something in the papers about the latest exciting
developments in the space race. Many people are of the view that all the money and
energy spent on space exploration and research is a complete waste because it has no
effect on our daily life. I, however disagree. In the following paragraphs I shall discuss
how space research has touched our lives in more ways than one.

The technology that put men on the moon, launched space shuttles and will build a
space station has found its way into everyday life on earth. Common secondary uses
of space research are called spin-offs. The common smoke detector used in homes
was first prepared for spacecrafts as a warning system. Computer bar codes in retail
stores, shock absorbing shoes used by tennis players and athletes, lightweight
materials used for helmets and sporting materials and non stick coating used in pans
were all first developed as part of space research.

Space technology has provided many benefits to the medical field as well. Pace
makers used to treat cardiac as well as remote monitoring devices for intensive care
patients and portable medical equipment carried aboard ambulances are but a few
applications of space technology providing daily benefits in hospitals, offices and
homes. Artificial limbs of lesser weight are also a by-product of space research and
these are a blessing for the physically challenged.

Not only that, it is well known that global warming will soon transform our Earth into a
boiling pot. Then it would be very essential to find alternative places to live. If we are
able to find signs of life elsewhere in space it would be a jackpot for mankind.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that space exploration and research has
touched our everyday lives in numerous ways. So, it definitely is a big step for

Model Answer 2:

One of the most prominent achievements that human made last century is the scientific breakthrough in the domain of aerospace, including the first time that an astronaut Armstrong set foot on the Moon. Nobody could forget his famous words “One small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind.”However, opponents claim that this magnificent event hardly benefit our life.

Understandably, citizens would question it because they fulfill their obligation to pay tax Numerous revenue are used to develop manned spacecraft engineering. Despite many achieved success, the devastating fact is that people are confronted with many problems demanding prompt solutions, such as unemployment, widened wealth gap, juvenile discipline, resource shortages etc. People assert that priorities should be given to tackle these imperative problems which are closely related to their daily life and their living standards could be subsequently improved. Therefore, it is not surprising that people regard Armstrong’s grand move as a meaningless symbol.

However, I believe this view to be shortsighted. The exploration of outer space means that the super powers prefer a peaceful way to collaborate for all human being’s future rather than competing with defensive forces. It is beneficial to safeguard political and social stability and global cohesion because living in outer space to ease the heavy burden of earth is the dream of whole mankind. In addition, concentrating on the technology of aerospace could be followed by scientific breakthroughs in all fields, one of which is the application of material. With the immense progress in field of aerospace, the new material can also be put in manufacturing high-quality daily necessaries.

In a word, the arrival of the astronaut on the Moon had profound meaning that we should not ignore.

Sample Answer 3:

Some people may argue that our ability to explore the moon was a significant achievement of the twentieth century while others argue that this has not impacted our lives at all. Both points of view have their merits as will now be explained.

On the one hand, it can be argued that the arrival of the Appollo crew on the moon has changed our points of view about many aspets of our lives.Some people, mainly scientists, had high hopes for changes that could enhance human’s existence on Earth. Others had been inspired by this achievement; it showed us that we can achieve anything if we put our minds to it.Inevitably, we concluded that since men has set his foot on the moon, other places in space will be explored in a matter of time and that there will be very little unknown left to possess the knowledge of the universe.

On the other hand, it can be said that the money spent on research, space ships and training of astronauts has been wasted because we have not benefited in terms of our standard of living.Many people argue that the money could have been spent on public services such as healthcare, education or infrastructure.We would be better off if we made progress in areas directly related to our daily lives.For instance, by subsidizing healthcare sector, many more people could get medical coverage.

To conclude,although the benefits of exploring the moon cannot be said to be significant when considering the standard of our lives, it seems that the idea inspired a lot of people and brought hope for a better life for all.

Model Answer 4:

Almost every day we read something in the papers about the latest exciting developments in the space race. Many people are of the view that all the money and energy spent on space exploration and research is a complete waste because it has no effect on our daily life. I, however disagree. In the following paragraphs I shall discuss how space research has touched our lives in more ways than one.

The technology that put men on the moon, launched space shuttles and will build a space station has found its way into everyday life on earth. Common secondary uses of space research are called spin-offs. The common smoke detector used in homes was first prepared for spacecrafts as a warning system. Computer bar codes in retail stores, shock absorbing shoes used by tennis players and athletes, lightweight materials used for helmets and sporting materials and non stick coating used in pans were all first developed as part of space research.

Space technology has provided many benefits to the medical field as well. Pace makers used to treat cardiac as well as remote monitoring devices for intensive care patients and portable medical equipment carried aboard ambulances are but a few applications of space technology providing daily benefits in hospitals, offices and homes. Artificial limbs of lesser weight are also a by-product of space research and these are a blessing for the physically challenged.

Not only that, it is well known that global warming will soon transform our Earth into a boiling pot. Then it would be very essential to find alternative places to live. If we are able to find signs of life elsewhere in space it would be a jackpot for mankind.

To sum up, space exploration and research has touched our everyday lives in numerous ways. So, it definitely is a big step for mankind.



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