IELTS Writing Task 2 – Some people think it is better for children to begin to learn
Some people think it is better for children to begin to learn a foreign language at
primary school than at secondary school.
What’s your opinion? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
You should write at least 250 words.
IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample
Sample Answer 1:
Language is the best means of communication. In the modern globalization era it is
not enough to be able to speak one language to communicate with the outside world.
I strongly support the idea that children should begin learning a foreign language at
primary school than at secondary school. They faster become familiar with a strange
language, improve their hearing ability to understand new words as time goes by and
learn new words. In the following paragraphs I will list some reasons to support my
Firstly, there is no doubt that a young mind readily absorbs new information. Child
psychologists often mention that the most formative years of learning happen in the
first few years of life. Therefore, what children are exposed to is very often retained
and remembered. In this way, a child is in a good position to learn the new
information associated with a new language.
Secondly, senior students are often afraid to make mistakes when they are speaking in
a new language. This fear is one of the biggest barriers for a person in their efforts to
speak freely. Primary school children are not afraid of making grammatical mistakes
because basically they just repeat words and sentences in the way they hear them. So,
they have a better chance to get used to the right pronunciation of the language.
To sum up, I think that it is very essential for children to begin learning a foreign
language in their early ages. It is brings many benefits such as great pronunciation.
Also, it helps a child develop and gain more knowledge which is good for a long run.
Model Answer 2:
With booming modern technology, a foreign language becomes more prevalent in our lives. Some people think that children should be taught foreign language from primary schools while others believes that it better for children when starting at secondary school. My essay will shed light on both sides of this issue.
On one hand, it is undeniable that by dint of learning a foreign language, children have more opportunities to approach international communications and accumulate their knowledge. It is believe that thanks to learning a foreign language from primary schools, children can approach new knowledge more quickly. However, whether this is indeed consistent with children when learning a foreign language since only 4 and 5 years old? In early years, children have not yet developed comprehensively in both physical and mental. Besides, they have to learn many subjects such as native language, sociology and naturalist. No sooner do children study a foreign language in primary schools than they seem to have not enough time to participate in outside activities and other subjects can be vulnerable.
On the other hand, by dint of studying a foreign language at secondary school, children have more chance to access knowledge carefully. Moreover, with the full development of brain, secondary students have experienced in other subjects, thus, they can find an easier way to study a foreign language most effectively. However, some researches show that due to studying foreign language from secondary schools, children seem to be missing a great time to reach the international culture. By contrast, surveys have shown that in some countries like Singapore and France, Spain, etc children studying a foreign language from early years can speak English fluency as their native languages and their coherence become broader.
In brief, each education system in each country should estimate which is the most appropriate time for children to study a foreign language.
Model Answer 3:
Due to advances in communication systems the relation among nations has been increased markedly. As result of this, learning foreign language has become a controversial issue in global village. Some experts claim that primary school is the best place for learning another language instead of secondary school. I firmly believe that there is a defensible basis for this argument.
The proponents of this view discuss that there are many reasons behind of their claims. The most important one is about recent research. The studies have shown that the children between 4-9 ages have great opportunity to learn new languages. Also they clarify their claims by an example: a survey among 200 pupils has shown that the above mention ages has a crucial role in children building character and developing their personality. Moreover, give the special care and settle down proper curriculum could be much profitable for them in this way. Consequently, because of carefree mind children can catch more points in this level.
In parallel, I am personally side with this idea. The key point to justify this attitude could be illustrated by a personal tangible example. Couple of years ago, I met a German family with interesting story. To cut a long story short, Lucas the first child of the family has started learning English language at secondary school and now the level of his English skills is almost intermediate. Conversely, his sister has started English and France together at primary school. Now, she can speck very fluently both of them. On balance, beyond a shadow of a doubt, primary school can pave the way for learning foreign language easily. Although, it should be considered that the method and atmosphere of the school play a key role in children learning.
All in all, we should own up to the fact that learning foreign languages has become a key factor in our lifelong. It goes without saying; having a strong basis in new language can uplifted us toward prosperity. Primary schools are best place to enhance our children language abilities. Also, in this special span the pupil’s mind are dead ready to catch an awful lot of new things and what is better than learning new language.
Model Answer 4:
Traditionally, children begin studying foreign languages at secondary school. Many individual schools or educationalists have recommended to study foreign languages at an earlier stage. However this policy may bring some advantages along with some disadvantages. This essay will further discuss whether extending foreign language study to the primary stages is beneficial and if disadvantages may occur in the later stages.
Obviously young children pick up languages much more easily than teenagers. Their brains are programmed to learn their mother tongue which also facilitates learning another language. At a young age, children are enthusiastic to explore and to learn new things. The primary time table should allow more frequent shorter sessions for maintaining learner’s enthusiasm and progress. Acquiring foreign languages can also help them to understand other cultures.
However, there are some disadvantages. Primary school teachers may not have the necessary language skills or they are not well trained for that particular languages. If any language specialist is called then the flexibility of sessions is diminished. Primary language teaching needs to be standardised, so that secondary schools do not face problems in their intake. Failing to undoes the earlier gains. In some situations, it would become very stressful to the child when he has to learn three languages i.e. native languages and foreign languages. Some researchers have shown from their studies that such children have difficulties in deciding which language to speak and may end up learning nothing,
In conclusion, a standardised policy can be adopted at primary schools which can also benefit society culturally and economically. Young children’s grasping power can make these benefits more achievable.
Model Answer 5:
It has become a popular trend that children are forced to learn a foreign language at younger ages and some experts advocate that learning a second language at primary school brings more benefits than at secondary school, which constitutes a source of constant debate among parents. This essay will elaborate on both advantages and disadvantages and compare them in the end.
In terms of merits of learning a foreign language at primary school, it is worth mentioning that it is easier for a child to get the hang of a second language in his or her earlier years. At the primary school, pupils do not have heavy school tasks to deal with and they can spare more time on language learning, which boost their efficiency of grasping a foreign language, while at secondary school, students are burdened with numerous disciplines, such as physics and biology, so they tend to distract their attentions form language study. Also, it is common language that children at primary school are not deeply affected by their mother language and culture, since they just have a little knowledge of this world and their surroundings. In addition, children are known for acquiring an excellent language ability at this stage in their lives. Thus, it is the best time to shape their outlooks and develop their language ability.
On the negative side, some pupils at primary school may get confused by learning both native language and foreign language. They may not sure whether some words are used properly in native language or second language and they may mix both two languages in their formal speaking and writing, which may result in criticism from other people. Consequently, they often cannot learn both languages well. Furthermore, learning a foreign language at such a small age may, to some extent, reduce their culture identity which is often related to language study.
According to the above analyses, the advantages of learning a second language at primary school outweigh its negative sides. Children are gifted with an outstanding language ability in their early years, so they should make optimal use of their talents at the primary schools. Although, sometimes they may be confronted with confusions or difficulties in the process of learning, if guided well from teachers and parents, they can avoid adverse effects on themselves.
Model Answer 6:
It is widely believed that studying a foreign language in the first year of school is more effective than in secondary school for children. Drawbacks and benefits of this topic will be covered in this essay.
On the one hand, pupils studying only three or four years in the school even at that moment do not properly concentrate on the lessons. It could be difficult to compel children to learn something else besides curriculum subjects. For instance, my little sister always wants to play, even if there are loose ends. In addition, students of primary school firstly should learn fundamentals of exact sciences such as mathematics and physics, otherwise they might not understand them later. Furthermore, if student does not know his native language perfectly, it is useless to learn foreign dialect.
On the other hand, there is a fact that little kids approximately between five and nine years have a capacity to remember things twice as fast and effectively than another aged people. For example, when I was in the third class I used to keep in mind words very quick and for a long period of time. However, now I cannot even learn some phrases. Secondly, studying foreign language is very helpful. Students can feel themselves freely in another country. English is an international language on which over than one billion of people are communicating. Hence, there is always a possibility to find one person in unfamiliar to you country who speaks studied by you language.
To sum up, the minor disadvantages will never prevent us from concluding that knowing foreign phrases will be never excessive. In future knowing one more language might be very prestigious.
Model Answer 7:
Every parent at the current moment has realizing that the competition for a job is increasing significantly, this reason brings the parent to think as best as possible to prepare their children with the best skill to compete for a job. One of the most important skills that should be prepared is the foreign language. Minimum a child must be able to speak a foreign language, because it will be a beneficial skill for him to apply a job in outside his home country in the future. Some experts consider that teaching a foreign language for children since them at primary school is better than start it at secondary school. However, I personally think that this provides the advantages and the disadvantages as well.
Primary school is the place for children to develop their character, as we known that the first duty of a primary school is building character not skills. At this age, the children are still need a lot of time to play and they should use their time at primary school for it. So, they should not study a difficult subject. However, based on my personal experience, studying a foreign language such as English is really pressuring my brain, I have to think and remember hard about the materials.
The children at secondary school are having stronger capacity and mentality to study a harder subject like English. At secondary school, teachers not need to focus on the character building anymore, they could push the student to study on a more difficult subject than in primary school, because, at this age the student have already good brain capacity to study like English subject.
At the end, I can conclude that preparing the children about foreign language skill as soon as possible is a good decision, but we have to look are children ready or not for it. So, teaching foreign language for children at primary school is not a good choice, however, teaching foreign language at secondary school is the best policy.
Model Answer 8:
Learning a foreign language is a new trend followed nowadays. Even in schools’ curriculum, a subject with a different language is a must. Many believe that students at primary schools should start learning a foreign tongue and should not wait till secondary school level. I also believe that it has several advantages, growth of an individual brain and increase in opportunities will support the argument.
Firstly, learning a foreign language is helpful for the growth of a child’s brain. A study by United Nations has proved that learning any language other than the native one activates various new parts of the brain which were never used before. As a result, it increases the grasping and learning power of a child. Not only this, it also accelerates the working of one’s brain. Therefore, making kids to learn a new language at an early age will help them in their mental growth.
Also, nowadays people are getting drifted towards multinational companies. Here, opportunities are more for employees who know more than one language. Being multilingual helps a person get onsite opportunities. Hence, getting growth in career depends on this. Infosys, for instance, gives priority to their employees who have a good command over English language, for any vacancy they have in USA. So, getting used to a language at an early age will make one comfortable and confident.
Looking at the points discussed above, we can come to a conclusion that advantages of learning a foreign language at an early age outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, this practice must be followed by all the nations. I believe many countries will include foreign language in its school as a mandatory subject for the advantages it has to offer.
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(Collected; Source: Internet)