IELTS Writing Task 2 – Some people think that giving aids to the poor countries

Some people think that giving aids to the poor countries has more negative impacts than positive ones.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

You should write at least 250 words.

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample

Sample Answer 1:

I disagree that giving aid to poor countries has more negative effects. There are negative
effects, no doubt, but positive effects are certainly more

Talking about the negative effects, the major one is that poor countries could become over
dependant and stop making efforts of their own. This would halt the long term progress of
the poor countries. Secondly, the aid given by rich countries could go into corrupt hands and
not reach those for whom it was meant for. Then, the aid may not be that useful. For
example, the people’s need may be clothes and food but the aid may be in the form of
making a bridge or something like that which people may not need. Finally, the rich
countries may have their own selfish motives behind giving aid. For instance, they may
provide employment but they may be underpaying and exploiting the poor.

The advantages of the rich countries helping the poor are manifold. To begin with,
nowadays we belong to a global village and all countries are so interconnected that all
problems that arise because of poverty – crime, terrorism and diseases will directly or
indirectly affect the rich countries. It is a well known fact that terrorists can infiltrate the rich
countries and cause violence and crime there. Moreover, if poor countries suffer diseases
then these diseases can spread to the neighbouring rich countries. So, it can be said that it is
a necessity for the rich to save the poor in order to save themselves. It has been well said by
John F Kennedy that “if a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save
the few who are rich”.

Furthermore, there are many problems which the world is facing today, such as global
warming, which can be solved by joint efforts of all countries. Such joint efforts can only be
possible if the gap between the rich and poor is narrowed. This can only be achieved if the
haves help the have-nots. Finally, the rich countries also have a moral duty to help the poor.
They should help them on humanitarian grounds.

To conclude, I reiterate by saying that the rich must help the poor. However, it must be well
researched first as to what sort of help is most needed. Help can be provided in the form of
food, medicine and education.

Model Answer 2:

It is true that an enormous amount of money has been poured into impoverished nations to help them escape from poverty. While this solution is sometimes effective, I personally believe that financial aid does not fully tackle the problem, and other types of aid need to be implemented.

Firstly, money given to destitute nations does not always reach people in need. In developing countries, lack of transparency and an ineffective management system has enabled prevalent corruption in government. It is therefore likely that monetary support from other countries would bring about benefits to only governmental officials instead of the poor. Another problem with giving out money is that in most cases recipient countries do not have necessary resources such as manpower, technology, infrastructure or management system in place to make the best use of financial aid. For instance, in my country, a large amount of money from foreign governments was spent on building health care centers in rural areas, but those centers were soon abandoned or operated at less than one tenth capacity due to lack of health care professionals, lack of electricity and clean water, etc. Another illustration would be in agricultural field. We received monetary support from international funds to increase productivity of crops, but we had no experience in conducting researches before implementing a project, in project management and evaluation. As a consequence, a large amount of money was wasted on ineffective programs proposed by incompetent leaders.

Furthermore, it is undeniable that financial aid can sometimes do more harm than good, and worsen the situation in poor countries. Some developed countries gave out monetary support to ruling oligarchy in Africa under the name of economic development, but for hindered political reasons as well. They might want to gain international preference, to win support from their citizens before election, or to enhance their political influence in recipient countries, etc. In such cases how the money would be spent was not their concern. Leaders in recipient countries therefore used the money to strengthen their position, by enriching themselves or purchasing weapons to suppress opponents. Had it not been for the financial aid, people in these poor countries might have been able to overthrown their incompetent, greedy authority. Financial aid in this case became an obstacle for revolutions against dictatorship, social progress and poverty eradication.

In conclusion, monetary support alone could not eliminate poverty. Other types of help such as technological support, staff training, infrastructure development and management system improvement is required to handle the problem.

Model Answer 3:

Over recent decades, many international institutes have been established all around the world, by the objective of supporting low income communities. However, there are some various points of view about positive or negative results of the philosophy of such helps. In this essay, it is going to be assessed the merits and demerits of conducting poor countries internationally.

As the outstanding effect on low level nations thanks to being sported by other countries, is that the rate of death resulting from malnutrition decrease. In addition, the health of the countries could improve because of supporting drugs and medical facilities. For instance, it is heard on the news that in some African countries, many people do not have even anything to eat and/or any initial health facilities.

On the other hand, some individuals take issue with the idea that these helps contribute to some side effects. By the way of illustration, it could weaken the countries receiving aids and causes those to not to attempt for improving their situation. Moreover, it might transform them to consumer communities which always need other countries supports to being alive. Additionally, receiving external aids could lead those countries to the level that they pay no heed to their own natural resources.

In conclusion, even though we could not disregard the fact that some poor countries widely need to be supported, the advanced societies could adopt the decisions that help those countries to positively change their environment by utilizing their own existing abilities and resources.


Model Answer 4:

Nowadays the popular practice is that developed countries make financial and other types of assistance to developing ones. But some believe that this help contains more losses than profits.

It is hard to argue that a poor country has to pay back after obtaining aid from a rich government. Furthermore, it is possible that this country cannot rectify the debt as it is consisted of large sums of money. As a result, the state is becoming poorer and has to ask new help.

Another point against financing developing societies is that there is a big risk to encounter with corruptions is the highest levels of authority. Moreover, after getting assistance citizens do not feel and see positive changes, infrastructure is not improved. I mean that funds extracting for development are lost in someone’s pockets. For example, after a storm in Pakistan, there appeared a food and house crisis nevertheless the EU sent humanitarian help.

The most important point of this phenomenon is that after getting a significant loan a country might lose their political freedom and be dependent upon a lender. The tough situation in Greece is a great example. Greek government has to accept terms of European Union such as tax rates increasing and salaries reducing. As a consequence, these measures lead to people’s riot.

On the other hand, financial assistance is an excellent chance for a poor country to improve infrastructure and the environment.

Furthermore, after realizing the help, developing country might become developed and start to bring profit for the world’s society. For instance, Japan was fully destroyed after World War II. However, it is high-technologies leader on any world market nowadays.

Last but not least, the aid is not constituted only from money. It can be some educational programs, medicine and scientific researches.

To summarize, I consider aid for needed countries brings more profit than negative impacts.



Model Answer 5:

There are many poor countries in this world and they are mostly located in the African and Asian region, such as Liberia, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sudan. It is a fact most of these countries are depending on the supports of the developed countries. These international aids have their own benefits and drawbacks, and the following essay will discuss about them in details.

To begin with, giving supports to third world countries bring some advantages for both the giver and the recipient countries. It gives benefits for countries that could give international aids, as they have the opportunity show their kindness to other countries. Showing these positive attitudes could change the world into a better place and improve the world peace. As for the recipient countries, these helps would positively affect to the social economic conditions of their people. For instance, these financial supports could be used to purchase some foods for the starving residents.

On the other hand, despite of the positive things of international supports, there are some negative things that arose as well. Firstly, these supports have made the recipient countries people become lazy and spoil. As they realize that they will be supported from developed and developing countries, they do not want to have changes and improvements in their lives. Secondly, many of the support funds are not strictly and properly monitored. As a result, most of the funds are being corrupted by local authorities.

In conclusion, providing international aids to third world countries has its own advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, as a social creature, people should help each others, though we might came from different races, ethnics or languages. Therefore, it is essential for advanced countries to help poor nations, but the support should be strictly monitored to ensure that the funds are allocated properly.

Model Answer 6:

A sense of solidarity among countries throughout the world has increased considerably in the last decade. The developed countries compete actively for providing assistance to the unprosperous countries. Consequently, it causes unfavourable circumstance between those countries. Although the cause is reasonable, I believe that the awareness of the nations gives a commendable impact either for developed countries or developing countries.

United States, a superpower nation, give aid consistently to poor countries such as Zimbabwe, Burundi, and Liberia. CNN News report that USA spend one billion dollars to give assistance to poor countries. As a response, some of world’s citizen criticizes the valuable act because they assume it would be a bad hedge for a given state aid. For instance, Zimbabwe cannot stand alone to run his administration without aid. Country’s reliance cannot make it develop quickly. This example is proves that giving aid to poor countries has more negative impact.

On the other hand, several developmental states can develop their nations quickly after receiving aid from developed countries. Moreover, the developed countries that give aid also get some advantages from giving aid. For example, Indonesia, in 2004, was given economic assistance from Germany and then in the next four years, Indonesia could develop their country by increasing gross domestic product tremendously. In any case, Sri Lanka had given humanitarian assistance from some developed countries to recover the economic condition from the tsunami disaster. It works well and can improve the state given assistance. What more, Germany, a country which gave aid, got humanitarian noble from United Nation in 2008. This phenomenon is evidence that giving aid to poor countries is giving more advantages than disadvantages.

In conclusion, country’s reliance is giving a negative effect if the country cannot use the aid appropriately. In otherwise, it affects more advantages both of the developed and poor countries. Therefore, contributor countries should monitor the poor countries when they give aid.

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