IELTS Writing Task 2 – Some people think history has nothing or little to tell us

Some people think history has nothing or little to tell us, but others think that
studying the past history can help us better understand the present.

Please discuss the two views and give your own opinion.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

You should write at least 250 words.

Idea For This Essay


History is a Waste of Time:

  • Most people memorise dates, names and facts when they study history. This information is not useful in everyday life or for the future.
  • If we could actually learn from history, history wouldn’t be full of the same repeated mistakes. However, the same mistakes are made again and again which makes history irrelevant to learn for the future.
  • History is a subject that is rarely used in people’s lives so it would be better to focus on science or technology which is more relevant to the future and today’s society.
  • Each historical event has different perspectives. For this reason, it makes learning history a waste of time because events can also be interpreted in a different way which makes what we learn in history less valuable.
  • Many school curriculum have been set and are rarely changed. That curriculum includes little current history which is the only type of history that helps people understand the world they currently live in.

History is Important:

  • History helps young people understand their own culture and how their culture and country have evolved.
  • History gives identify and helps unify people. It gives people a sense of roots and belonging.
  • History teaches people what their forefathers experienced and suffered in the past in order to make their country what it is today.
  • History teaches us about travesties which have occurred in the past, such as the Holocaust. It is essential for both people in the past, present and future to never forget such events in order to honour the memory of those lost and to ensure it never happens again.
  • History helps us understand change. It records and helps people understand successes and failures. Through these studies people can learn about change and how others are affected by it.
  • It shows patterns of behaviour or events in the past and their outcome which can help us avoid similar outcomes in the future.
  • Learn about the past often gives a glimpse of the future. It shows a path of development that will continue past the present and into the future.
  • Valuable information can often be found in history, such as traditional medicines. Learning about past lifestyles and techniques used by people in the past can hold the secrets to remedies or cures no longer used.


IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample

Sample Answer 1:

History refers to all the things that happened in the past, especially the political,
social, or economic development of a nation. Literally, everything, including a nation, a
city, a town, a subject, a business, and even a product, has its unique history. Some
individuals are of the opinion that studying past history is useless today but others
believe it is very essential to know history to better understand the present. I intend
to discuss both sides of the argument in this essay.

Undoubtedly, the present is the continuation of the past. Therefore, studying the past
history can enable us to better understand what is going on around us. For example, if
we are equipped with relevant knowledge of history, it will be easier for us to
understand the evolution of mankind. It would also tell us how we progressed and
reached where we are today. We would also know how technology developed step by
step. History can serve us as a guide because of which we do not repeat the mistakes
of yesteryears. We also get inspiration from the great men of the past through history.

Those opposed to the study of history argue that the past was very different from the
present and we cannot apply that knowledge to the present. For example, they say
that the French Revolution and the freedom struggle of India have no need to be
learnt because those situations will never arise again. What they forget is that this
knowledge makes us realise the importance of liberty and self governance.

Opponents of the study of history also claim that history has nothing to do with
professionals such as architects and accountants. I believe they would be better in
their professions if they know something about the history of architecture or that of
accountancy. As a matter of fact, you are supposed to demonstrate some evidence of
historical ability if you want to pursue almost any career.

To sum up, studying the past history can not only deepen and widen our knowledge
but also help us develop the power of analysis. Thus, we are able to look at what is
happening at present from a historical perspective and better understanding.


Model Answer 2:
History tells about the old civilizations, their strategies, their way of living, world-conflict and the ways people overcame it. So I don’t agree that history has a little to tell us.

The basic characteristics, sufferings, crisis and wit are same for all the ages of human kind. The way people struggled to achieve a better life in the primitive time is very much resembles to the present time. The ways may be different but the theme is same and there is lots of evidence that the study of past history reviles a new invention to the present people. Though it is true that history itself is disputed as it has been written by the winners and sometimes history differs from place to place. For example: according to Indian History, English came to rule the country and had destroyed the peaceful lifestyle there by treachery and cunning strategies but in English history the English are heroes and they claim to modernize the Indian. In my opinion, nonetheless history has it’s invaluable importance to all of us will remain till the end of the human race.

How could we know about the great people who had sacrifices their lives for the betterment of the world or those who have cruelly tried to bring suffering for people? History tells us a lot about the people of all centuries. History suggests the different techniques that can be malevolent or beneficial for a country by presenting practical evidences. Again, history tells us about the devastating wars and potentially warns us about the conflict of nations. History suggests us about the good and evil and helps us to choose the appropriate way.


Model Answer 3:

It goes without saying that human beings have a tendency to look back before they take a step forward. However , history is essential part of culture . We learn a lot of things from history like law , technology and research . When we do new invent technology . We look in past and do study of history. An argument has been put forward that some people say study of history is not valuable . According to me . This statement does not hold a valid ground .

There are a plethora of reasons why I think we should study history . First and foremost which comes to my mind that learning history is crucial in today’s life. By studying of history we can understand the lifestyle of the past . We feel improvment in our life . Secondly, study of history is also vital . Because by studying , we can get information about our culture , tradition , ritual and festival . Thirdly, young generation must study of history . Because they can avoid bad accident happend in past . Youth become more aware about future , if they study of history .

On the other hand , some people argue that we should not study history . It can be adversed impact on children and youth . Because in the past , a lot of bad things happened and were happened . Some people say , history will no value , because in future more people do focus on skills .

In conclusion , after pondering over a great deal of thoughts and deliberation with my self . I come to this conclusion that we must study history . It gives us motivation and knowledge about bad and good things . It also play indispensable role in our life. Someone beautifully said those who forget the history . They have Lost their culture.


Sample Answer 4:
History, in common parlance, is the record of the past events. In many circles, history is considered as an important tool by which people can comprehend people, while others say that history does not matter. Although there are good arguments against the importance of history, I personally believe that history plays a crucial role apprehending the present situation.

On the one hand, it can be argued that history has a faint function or no use at all in the present context. The proponents of this argument contend that the present situation, most often, is different from the past events. The experiences that history share us have very little worth or relevance in the present context. Moreover, in many cases, histories are recorded with different motivations and personal biasness influenced it largely. Consequently, history might misleads people. Therefore, studying history is nothing but wasting of time and money.

On the other hand, there are people who believe that history is the key to understand the current situation and the world in which he or she lives. I subscribe the view for several reasons. History is the account of past events, and present is constituted by the past events. So, if one wants to comprehend present situation accurately, he or she have to delve into the history. For example, people can understand the spirit of modern democratic state only when they study the history of French Revolution as it unified French and inaugurated the epoch of modern state. Besides, our society is crammed with complex cultures, heritages, or traditions have not been emerged on the spur of the moment. It has been formed with the practice of generations. So, if one is keen to understand the present condition of society or human beings, he or she has to visit history.

In pithy, I want to say that each individual is born with a personal distinction of an inherited genetic template, known as the genome, which has developed during the entire life span of human species. And history acts as a conduit between past and present that allows people to understand the facts of past events, which in turn helps comprehend the present better. There is no doubt that when we have a lucid comprehension of past and present, we can build a bright future on it. So, history is not just useful for present, but for future as well.


Model Answer 5:

Everything around us has a history, long or short. A technology, an invention, or a family all has its own past whether we like it or not. To some people, however, learning history is a boring task of memorizing long lists of names and dates which they will never use, while others consider learning history useful and fun.

People who do not like history say that studying the past is a waste of time. They think that ways of thinking, science and technology and social systems in the past were outdated and therefore bear little relevance to the present-day problems and their possible solutions. They ask questions like “What does the history of African slaves have to do with me?” or “How does knowing when humans learned to make fire benefit my job as a computer engineer?” Also, they argue that we should not spend too much time studying the past as it simply distracts us from focusing on the present.

However, thousands of years of human experience and wisdom to have something to teach us. For example, Charles Darwin taught us that only the fittest can survive, which is more than ever true in today’s competitive society. Thomas Edison gave us an inspirational example that success only comes after persistence and hard work. Furthermore, learning history can help us develop a thoughtful and critical mind. As we try to understand why things happened in the past, we can make more informed decisions in our present-day life and work.

I think history has a lot to offer us, and we have to study it in order to better understand the present as well as preparing for the future. But learning history is not the same as learning from it. It is sad to see that people have been learning history but are still repeating the same mistakes again and again like war, violence and injustice.



Model Answer 6:

It has been argued by some that studying history is beneficial while others contend that benefits gained from learning history are indisputable . Personally , I believe that history is intrinsic for forming one’s national and cultural identity and , therefore , should be taught and boosted .

On the one hand ,it is thought the impact and outcomes of studying history are not as essential as those of science and technology . An example illustrating this in action is that it is physics that has led man to Earth and even space , not history . Equally importantly , though it is the study of biology and chemistry which has resulted in eliminating and treating diseases , not history . Thereupon , time and efforts should not be addressed learning history and , instead , should be directed to the most influential subjects . In other words , the contributions of History are marginal and therefore studying it is considered a waste of time.

On the other hand , advocates argue that the benefits of studying history could never be ignored or trivialized for a couple of reasons . Firstly , Through studying history , an early deepened sense of belonging and patriotism within children is created . secondly , through examining the feats and misdeeds or the rise and fall of our ancestors , a lot of lessons and manners could be derived to help people to promptly tackle future ambiguities .

In my opinion , I believe that history bears within printed pages and chronicle inscriptions the cultural identity of a country which could be seriously distorted and weakened if history is not aptly taught and passed to all generations .Equally importantly , though studying history creates sense of nationalism and pride . Take the history of ancient Egypt which is a taught under the theme ” Egyptology ” , it brings pride to all Egyptians all the world over .

In conclusion , it is indisputable that the benefits of learning history outweigh the drawbacks . If teaching history id given its due time and efforts , culture and good manners of our ancestors will be aptly reserved and exquisitely passed to coming generations.



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(Collected; Source: Internet)

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