IELTS Writing Task 2 – Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students

Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to
judge what is right and wrong so that they can behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students academic subjects.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

You should write at least 250 words.


Ideas for this IELTS Essay:

Agreement: Parents are the best teachers.

  • Parents are more engaged in their children’s activities than any other person because they spend more time with them than even teachers in schools, so they can find more deeply their children’s personality weaknesses.
  • Sensationally, they feel closer to their children than any other people are. Bonding helps mothers to love their children more than any other else.
  • We learn to survive, talk, and distinguish well from bad, values of life, morality and such important other things from our parents.
  • To care about their children, parents take more responsibility. They feel more responsible to protect their children from criminals.
  • Parents are more devoted than the teachers.
  • Parents would be with a child no matter what.
  • We learn almost every aspect of life in our childhood from our parents.
  • There is not any interruption in their teaching, and they continuously teach their children. This can lead them to become more trustful than teachers.
  • Parents understand the children better and thus play a greater role.
  • Parents are more capable to instruct the children and guide them well.
  • It could be far more economical. Instead of spending tremendous money on tuition, Family can save it.

Disagreement: Parents are NOT the best teachers.

  • In theory and academic knowledge parents are usually less professional than the instructors teaching in schools.
  • Parents are less familiar with the latest training techniques which other tutors use.
  • A huge generation gap between them, parents and children, may affect the parents’ performance to become perfect teachers.
  • A conflict between parents and children in schooling may negatively affect their emotional relationship.
  • Morality, intricacies of life, subject matter knowledge, art, science, history, value of time etc. are often taught by the teachers.
  • Parents are sometimes too blind to notice the bad side of their children. In this case teachers make neutral judgments.
  • Experiences learned from life have far greater role in life than the things we learn from our parents.


IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample

Sample Answer 1:

A well known adage from India says “Acharya devo bhava,” which means teachers are
next to God. Right from the ancient times, teachers are put on the highest position. It
is a highly debatable topic whether teachers should be concerned with only academics
or also teach manners and etiquettes to children. In this essay I intend to discuss both
sides of the argument.

Teacher is like a potter who moulds the earthen vessels in whichever form he wants. A
child’s mind is like raw clay and is very much ready to be moulded in the shape it is
guided to. A good teacher always feels responsible to develop a child’s conscience. He
has the potential to become a friend, philosopher and guide for his students. With this
special position in students’ life, he often acts as their role model. His words highly
influence the minds of the students. Students always try to imitate his actions or
implement his teachings, so he has to be much careful of his behaviour. So, in that
respect a teacher has a much more role than just teaching academic subjects.

Furthermore, teachers convey many good things to parents and society through
students in many parts of the world. For example, in Nepal, where illiteracy rate is
very high, teachers convey many valuable messages such as of personal hygiene
through students. When a student goes home and tells his parents that my teacher
says we should wash hands before meals, then parents listen. In such set-ups teachers
are playing a much greater role than academicians.

On the other hand, those who say that teachers should only concentrate on teaching
course material, argue that competition is stiff and if children lag behind in curriculum,
they will never be able to catch up with their counterparts in other parts of today’s
global village. They opine that rules of behaviour can be taught by parents at home.

In conclusion, I believe that teachers have a much bigger role than just covering the


Model Answer 2: (Agreement: Parents are the best teachers)

Whether parents are our best teachers or not’ is a never-ending debate and people are divided both in favour and against this argument. Both have a very strong contribution and influence on a child’s learning but in my opinion parents overtake the teachers in terms of teaching their children.

First of all I would like to point out that a teacher is not merely a person who takes a text book and read texts from there to a student. Rather a teacher is someone who devotes his/her times to teach someone everything that someone needs to know to advance to next step. Morality, intricacies of life, subject matter knowledge, art, science, history, value of time etc. are something that can’t be taught through academic books and a good teacher is someone who teaches someone these all.

Now that we know the true responsibility of a teacher, we can easily compare our parents and teachers. The things that we learn from our parents are far more important than what we learn from our teachers. I am not denying the invaluable knowledge we learn from our teachers through our academic years, but what we learn from our parents are incomparable. We learn to survive, talk, and distinguish well from bad, values of life, morality and such important other things from our parents. We are the true reflection of our parents and our characters are shaped from their personality and behaviours. Later the teachers help us to enhance our knowledge, horizon and our view of life but the very foundation and ground are made by our parents.

The parents sacrifice so many things of their life just to ensure a better life for us and nothing in this whole world could even be compared with their sacrifice for us. Think of student who is unable to pay his/her monthly school fees would be cast away from the school and the beloved teachers would scarcely be there to help him/her. On the other hand the parents would always be there with their every possible effort to help the child.

In summary, the things we learn from our teachers are important for our lives and with those valuable lessons and knowledge we prepare for the future but the things we learn from our parents shapes who we are, who we become and their contribution is much more important compared to the contribution of the traditional academic teachers and that’s why in my opinion parents are best teachers.

Model Answer 3:

Teachers are important people in education. Without teachers, many students cannot read, write, speak and learn everything in the world. They have much responsible for teaching and educating students. Some people point out that teachers have tasks to teach students how to behave well and to show which one is true or false. However, others state that teachers are only accounted for teaching students the subjects in the school.

On the one hand, several people state that teaching pupils can be done by giving information about the right one and the wrong one. Pupils also should know how to have good attitude to other people. Teachers should teach them about it. Teaching attitude is not easy because teachers must be a model, so that pupils can see the behavior of teachers. If the students have seen that their teachers have good attitude, it is fast for them to do the right things. In this case, teachers do not only expect that pupils can behave well in the classroom, but also pupils must implement it outside of school. Having good attitude is crucial because if pupils do not know how to behave to other people, they will not be appreciated and people will think that they are not good students. Even though pupils are smart or clever, but if they do not have good attitude, it is not like educated people. It is because educated people must have good attitude. The more behaved someone, the more educated he or she is.

On the other hand, others reveal out that teachers only teach students about the subjects at school. In this case, teachers just think about academic of students. Teachers do not consider the other things besides teaching all lessons. To improve students’ academic is quite hard because teaching all the subjects is not easy. Teachers need well preparation to demonstrate the materials in front of students. They must master all the things which will be taught. Students are expected to get much knowledge, such as math, social science, natural science, religion and sports. Furthermore, students are hoped to understand about the lessons and apply it in their daily life. As information, if students get achievement in academic, students have a chance to get scholarship. For example, if students get winner in competition or the first rank or the best scores, they have an opportunity to get the scholarship either in their country or oversea. In brief, it is true that teachers have role to teach students all subjects in order to develop their ability in terms of academic. In this case, teachers must know all the characters of students and the weaknesses of students in learning because after knowing about it, teachers can find the appropriate method and assess them objectively in order to increase their ability.

In my mind, teachers or educators should combine teaching and educating in the classroom. It is because students do not only want to be better in learning all subjects, but also in behaving to other people. You can imagine that if someone is clever in making nuclear, but he or she does not have good attitude. Surely, he or she can use a nuclear in inappropriate way. For example, someone uses a nuclear to destroy another country in the world. In brief, teaching subjects and behavior must be balance.

To sum up, teachers have a big role in terms of education. Several teachers only educate students about good behavior. While several teachers only teach students about lessons in the school. I believe that good teachers do not only teach students about the materials which are existed in the curriculum, but also they educate students how to have good attitude either to older people or younger people. Therefore, teachers must undertake their responsible as well as they can. If the teachers can educate and teach students well, students will be clever or smart not only in terms of academic, but also they will be smart in terms of attitude.

Model Answer 4: (Agreement: Parents are the best teachers)

Parents can be the best teacher for every child coming on this earth. I agree with this statement as no learning institution can be compared with the parents as they are role model for their children since they open their eyes in this world till they are fully grown up and matured.

To start with when the child is born he sees his parents as his guide, mentor & teacher who will teach him how to speak, eat, drink, live, wear, interact etc. No one will be with him when he is crying for anything it will be the parents who will be with him for every problem and his / her every need. Even during his education days he will observe and learn that the school although is the learning institution but the moral & ethical values learned from parents are far greater than any learning center and parents will be the one who want their children to be the best in this world and they want their children not to repeat the mistakes that they have done in their lives which any learning institution won’t care for as they can’t give individual attention to every student.

On the other hand we see that generally the children who are orphans or could not get the attention from their parents don’t have that foundation of ethical, moral and social values as compared to the ones who have been trained by their parents despite all of  them have gone to schools, colleges etc. The only difference between them is parents.

If the parents are not well educated they could still prove be good teacher for their children but that will be of less fruitful from the highly educated parents as educated and learned parents will have more vision and more horizon as compared to the unlearned.

I would like to conclude with the statement that parents can be a turning point for his child if he tries to teach every step of living this life.

Model Answer 5: (Disagreement: Parents are NOT the best teachers)

Parents teach a lot to the children and the ground made by them shapes the future of the children. On the other hand someone learns throughout his life and thus become the person he really is. In this learning process he himself contributes the most and teachers, friends, nature, books, academic education are important as well. Though parents are very good teachers, in my opinion they are not the best teacher for someone and the person himself is the best teacher for him.

After we learn to talk, walk and basic morality and intricacies of our life, we start going to school and there we learn new things every day. The book, the teachers, the friends and the environment shapes what we become. Parents teach their kid to a bright, good fellow and yet there are lots of immoral and corrupted people who actually were transformed badly by themselves. So someone himself is the best teacher for him. Besides this the things we learn from our life experiences, teachers and books become far more important that what we learned in our infant time.

Parents do their fine duty to raise a child to become a good adult and later he gets the education and experiences from his life and school play the vital role for his future.
In terms of being our teacher, the nature itself plays an utmost important role. We learn so many things from our surroundings and the nature is a silent teacher who widely opens the mystery and significance of our life. The things we learn from our parents are of course important to our life but they are rather some righteous lessons and good advises. Later in our life we face the real situations are learn the true lessons from our experience and in terms of learning this is the most important part.

So considering all of the above, I would like to opine that, parents are very important teachers for us but never the best teachers.


Model Answer 6: (Disagreement)
Our parents are the first teachers. They teach us how to talk and many other things which are vital for leading our lives. There are many different parents who instruct the children and handle their lives. Some parents want their child to conquer more than the efforts. They try to be the best teachers for the children. They pay more attention and thus there are some conflicts between children and parents. So the child looks for the avenue to escape. It makes the child to take the wrong road. Teachers at school have the chance to guide many children. So, they can compare different situations and potential of children more than parents can do. So, they get more capable to instruct the children and guide them well.

In our town, we can see many negligent parents. They leave their children in another house and sometimes the children play on the road and get injury and become the victims of accidents. Some concerned people have to return the child to his home back. Parents are not teaching and showing the preventive measures and dangerous situations to the children. But some parents can become better teachers for the child and thus prevented tragic consequences.

Some parents will deliberately instruct the child in some dangerous attitude or philosophy and they let the child adhere to evil things. So the children enjoy more in risky conditions and grow up to be a very perilous person.

One therefore should not presume that parents are always the best teacher. Sometimes they are the worst teachers a child might have.


Model Answer 7:

According to public the student should be monitored by their class teacher to think about good and bad things, and in what way to behave well among the society. While others would argue that teacher should be taken only teaching responsibility for giving theories and experiments skills, I believe that it would be more beneficial when teachers are not only tutoring the lessons, but also guiding about morality.

First of all, the success of student in their academic almost depends on the role of teacher. This is the main reason why much people has a perspective about the key role of teacher in school. They are merely tutoring the subject in class rather than other activities. Most parents of pupil think their children must be teaching about the lessons, and they took onto count on teachers related to their boys and girls to obtain a remarkable academic achievement. In fact, some school have a policy to regulate the role of teacher in class by 75% in class includes teaching academic subjects and laboratory experiments.

on the other hand, success in academic is not guarantee for student to be succeed in their real life, such as seeking a job after graduated from school. Much pupils faced a ne problem when interacting with community. They seem like do not know how to behave well. They also cannot make a distinction between a good and bad thing. Even, they shown bad attitude when taking a conversation with elder people. The one of reasonable answers is they never getting about morality lesson during study. It can be said that, it would be more beneficial when student exposing the morality. Thus, as a parent who wanted their daughters and sons succeed both of academic and social, morality must include in the school curriculum.

In conclusion, the student who acquired the combination between academic and how to behave good attitude become more easily pursuing a success in their life.



Model Answer 8: (Agreement: Parents are the best teachers)

The responsibility of child development is often a subject that is discussed and debated. While some would argue that since a child spends maximum time at school, the teachers should take responsibility of ensuring proper development of children. However, I strongly believe that it is parents who are the best teachers and they play a very important role in the manner a child is groomed.

To begin, parents are the ones who could better control the disciplinary aspects of the child. The manner in which a child manages his time, right through the day is better judged and analysed by parents. This provides them an opportunity to ensure that the child has the right balance of all activities, be it studies, outdoor activities, indoor activities and reading.

Research has indicated that children do get addicted to one kind of activity, which is not good for the overall development of a child. For example, there are several instances where children spend more time say on computer games. This can result in the child losing out on social skills. Further, such a child might eventually turn out to be a loner, with very limited ability to interact, socialise and communicate with people.

Additionally, for a good healthy living and a steady mind, children need to have a healthy and balanced diet. Parents do have better control over this aspect and can ensure that a child get the balanced diet with the right nutrients. Research has shown proper upbringing of children by parents can lead to lower crime rates, lower health problems like obesity and higher literacy rate.

To conclude, they might be people who argue that schools is the place where teaching happens. Nevertheless, the role of parents is even more critical in ensuring that children imbibe the right values, morals and ethics. This will go a long way in benefiting not just the individual but also the society.

Model Answer 9: (Agreement: Parents are the best teachers)

Nowadays, we are living in modern life and much more facilities in different fields which make the life easier for the people, on the other hand the life is full of challenges and situations facing us specially dealing with society, different people, different cultures and ages.

Apparently, when we have started life trip we came with zero experience and the lucky one of us who came to the life with guides people who arrived before him and people are dedicate their times, power and feelings to help, those are good Parents.

Parents are teachers, they always teaching us in many ways intentionally and unintentionally, however vocal guidelines and acting in daily bases activities are the ways of the life experience knowledge transfer regardless different culture, language, facilities or economy level of the family. But in my opinion for this modern life the education level of the parents is a major factor and considered in the quality of the knowledge and experience transfer.

There are many teachers around the world which can teach you lot of life experience but parents always special and the flavor of the knowledge you gain is unique and neat because it always comes with the feelings which is impossible to get it from other teachers. Regardless the knowledge is good or bad, right or wrong parents are best teachers. Finally you will discover and decide about our life when we reach the rational age. And when we become parents for the new comers, we would make the best decision for them.


Model Answer 10: (Agreement: Parents are the best teachers)

No one on this earth could deny the fact that parents are the messengers of god. I firmly believe that I am really blessed to have such supporting parents. They are the treasure hunt of knowledge. I personally consider them as the best teachers.

Right from childhood, they teach us in each and every phase of life. When we are kids, they train us in all kinds of activities crawling, walking and talking. During schooling they educate us on the difficult subjects. When we grow up a bit, they assist us in choosing the right path. They support our career aspirations. They teach us what is good and what is bad.

In addition to the above, parents enlighten us by teaching moral values. They explain us their past experiences in life from which we can extract some of the do’s and don’ts. We learnt a lot from them on the culture and traditions of our region. They advise us in many tough situations.

In my opinion, teacher is not someone who merely teaches us how to read, write and to gain an academic degree. Rather this person teaches us the morality, value of life and inspires us to live a positive life. In this regards parents put more emphasize and effort that a teacher we find in our school. In our life we learn about life from our parents more than from anyone else.

On the other hand, some of the students deny this fact as they may not consider the abilities of their children and force them to take subjects of their choice. They feel that parents should take into account their opinions and discuss with them the pros and cons of their choice.

To conclude, I strongly affirm that no teacher in this world can be as best as our parents. We should respect their opinions and abide by their valuable suggestions.



Model Answer 11: (Disagreement: Parents are NOT the best teachers)

Teachers are believed to be in the toughest profession in the world. Not because they are in a physically challenging job or a hostile work environment but because they have a responsibility to shape the behavior and thought process of children. Children have extremely fragile mindsets and tend to emulate the behavior of people surrounding them. Given the situation, they are extremely prone to behave as their parents whom they observe on a daily basis. Hence, in a way, parents are also teachers on a full time job.

However, I do not agree with the statement that parents are the best teachers. Different children have different cognitive abilities and hence different learning styles. Research also proves that in order to maximize the learning experience of any individual, it is important to facilitate the learning process as per the learning style. Teachers are professionally qualified and experienced to do this job better. They have both the skills and knowledge to excel in this as compared to parents.

Parents, on the other hand, are not trained to understand the learning style of their children. They usually use positive reinforcement in way of rewards and negative reinforcements in the manner of punishments to teach their children. In this way, they may unknowingly end up hampering the development of their children by enforcing a particular way of learning.

I believe if parents could be coached on different ways in which their children could be taught, they would be the best teachers.



Model Answer 12: (Disagreement: Parents are NOT the best teachers)

Teachers are believed to be in the toughest profession in the world. Not because they are in a physically challenging job or a hostile work environment but because they have a responsibility to shape the behavior and thought process of children. Children have extremely fragile mindsets and tend to emulate the behavior of people surrounding them. Given the situation, they are extremely prone to behave as their parents whom they observe on a daily basis. Hence, in a way, parents are also teachers on a full time job.

However, I do not agree with the statement that parents are the best teachers. Different children have different cognitive abilities and hence different learning styles. Research also proves that in order to maximize the learning experience of any individual, it is important to facilitate the learning process as per the learning style. Teachers are professionally qualified and experienced to do this job better. They have both the skills and knowledge to excel in this as compared to parents.

Parents, on the other hand, are not trained to understand the learning style of their children. They usually use positive reinforcement in way of rewards and negative reinforcements in the manner of punishments to teach their children. In this way, they may unknowingly end up hampering the development of their children by enforcing a particular way of learning.

I believe if parents could be coached on different ways in which their children could be taught, they would be the best teachers.


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