IELTS Writing Task 2 – Today, majority of children are raised by their grandparents

Topic -Today, majority of children are raised by their grandparents due to the fact that their parents are busy working…. IELTS Writing Task 2 With Sample Answer.


Today, majority of children are raised by their grandparents due to the fact that their
parents are busy working. To what extent do you think it affects the whole family?

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample

Sample Answer 1:

It is irrefutable that both parents are working nowadays and as a result children have to be
raised by either maids or grandparents. Definitely, grandparents are better than any other
option and this situation affects the family in both positive and negative ways which I shall
highlight in this essay.

On the positive side, looking after the grandchildren keeps the grandparents energetic and
vibrant. Grandparents bathe, feed and even read books to the child. This leads to a sort of
symbiotic relation in which both grandparents and grandchildren are benefited. In other
words we can say that it is a win-win situation for both. Grandparents don’t suffer from
loneliness and depression which is very common at that age and children are also well
looked after.

Moreover, such a situation encourages joint family system. Therefore, all the benefits of a
joint family are there. There is security in the family as we all know that there is security in
numbers. Another big advantage is that grandparents teach moral values to children. If
grandparents do not look after children then parents use TVs as baby-sitters and children
can become couch potatoes.

On the negative side, it is generally seen that grandparents are over-doting and, out of love,
may pamper and spoil the grandchildren. Another disadvantage is that if there is not enough
harmony between the parents and grandparents then it can lead to frustration and spoil the
whole atmosphere of the house. In such cases children are the worst sufferers.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, it is very beneficial if grandparents look after
their grandchildren. Grandchildren learn moral values, are looked after well and
grandparents enjoy themselves and don’t suffer from loneliness and depression.



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