IELTS Writing Task 2 – The world would be a much poorer place without colour

Topic – The world would be a much poorer place without colour… IELTS Writing Task 2 With Sample Answer.


The world would be a much poorer place without colour. To what extent would you agree or disagree.

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample

Sample Answer 1:

Colours are one of the greatest blessings that god has bestowed upon people in the world.
Have you ever thought what it would be like to live in a world without colour. Forget
everything for a moment and start using your imagination. Try to think how you would feel
if people, cats, dogs, birds, butterflies and fruits had no colour at all. You would never want
to live in such a world. Would you?

Colours have a crucial role in man’s communication with the outside world and in the
proper functioning of his memory. Hearing or touch alone, are not enough to define objects.
How can we define colourless flowers placed on a colourless table.

Human eye can recognise millions of colours. Identifying objects and our surroundings are
not the only benefits of a diversity of colours. Colours also give us a lot of pleasure. The
beautiful blue sky, the blood red sunset or a rainbow after a rainfall do add happiness to our
lives. The colours of nature have been arranged so as to appeal to the human soul.
Nowadays some prisons are painted pink and green to put prisoners in a better mood.

Colours hold a special significance in our culture also. In some parts of the world white is
worn for weddings and black for funerals. In other parts white is the colour of mourning.
Red is the symbol of love. Red also represents danger. Blood is red; fire engines are red and
traffic signals are also red.

Colours also reflect the personality of a person. The colour of your clothes can have a
considerable impact on how you are perceived. Light colour reflects a sober personality.
Colours also have been used as a treatment of some mental disorders.

To put it in a nutshell, I can say that the world would definitely be a much poorer place
without colour. They add life and beauty to our world.


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