How To Solve Information Matching or Locating Paragraph In IELTS Reading Module
Step by step methods to solve information matching question or, locating paragraph in IELTS Reading module. Learn tips and tricks to improve your reading skill, and to boost your score.
How to recognize Information Matching or Locating Paragraph
Simply there will be information like – “Which paragraph has the following information” or “Which section contain the following information” in the instruction of the questions.
Characteristics of Information Matching Question
- Does’t maintain serial in the passage.
- In general one answer will found in one paragraph.
- But if there is “N.B: You may use any letter more than once” in the instruction than there may two answer in one para.
- In many case, Answer Location will be at the beginning or ending of the para.
- If the number of the questions less than number of paragraph, then it will be wise to solve these questions after answering all other questions in the passage.
- But if the paragraph number and the number of question same, so solve this question first.
- Try to solve Small Paragraph first.
How to Solve Information Matching / Locating Paragraph
Step 1. First read the instruction, don’t read questions first.
Step 2. Now, go to passage, its better to start with first paragraph of the passage. Read first 2/3 sentences of the para.
Step 3. Try to get the main ideas of these lines.
Step 4. Next, read the questions and match with information of the paragraph. Concentrate on Synonyms, and Paraphrase.
Step 5. If no questions match with the paragraph information then read next 2 lines of the same paragraph. Continue same process until you find the right answer.
Note: To solve last 2/3 questions, read the questions and mark the keywords and locate in passage.
Now Practice More Information Matching Questions
- Cambridge IELTS 9: P43, p47 p69
- Cambridge IELTS 8: P20,
- Cambridge 7: P20, p46
- IELTS Trainer: p108, p145
- The Official Cambridge Guide To IELTS: p222
- Focus on IELTS: p.142
- Cambridge IELTS 1: p.86, p.89
- Cambridge IELTS 2: p.67, p.90
IELTS Reading Questions Solution:
>> Information Matching Question
>> List of Heading or Heading Matching
1 Response
Tips: How To Solve Information Matching Question In IELTS Reading Module?